I did, however, set up a very easy, very effective organization system for gifting a few years ago -- it took me just a few minutes and cost about two bucks. My kind of project!
This is all you have to do:
- If you have a file drawer with space to spare (and promise that you can access it regularly without hurting yourself), add 12 file folders, labeled January-December. If file space is nonexistent, buy one of those accordion folders with a slot for each month.
- Check the file at the beginning of each month to remind yourself of how organized you are, with the bonus possibility of taking care of some birthday cards or gift ideas while you're at it.
This new system works in three ways:
- Say you are shopping for a birthday card for your friend with a February birthday and in the process happen to find a perfect card for your aunt with a birthday in May. Just buy the dang May card and file it away in -- you guessed it -- the May folder. This will save you aggravation in the spring (when that perfect card is completely sold out). When you check your May file at the beginning of the month, you'll be delighted to discover that you stashed away something great (and forgot about it, which is likely for most of us).
- The files can be used as gift idea reminders. If your sister-in-law mentions that she collects heart-shaped jewelry or you learn that your nephew adores the University of Texas, just jot down a note and slip it into her/his birthday month file...then luxuriate in the knowledge that you are free to let these little factoids go for now. Ahh.
- If you buy a gift in advance for someone whose birthday (or wedding or bat mitzvah or whatever) is not in the immediate future, store the gift on your gift shelf (see below) and pop a reminder note in the appropriate month file.
It's not about being super-organized...it's more about accepting the fact that you're likely to forget things unless you have a place (besides your brain, which is busy enough at the moment) to remember them.
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